LIEs are industrious fast learners who seek to apply themselves as competently and productively to their endeavors as possible. In order to fulfill such an ambition, LIEs are naturally inclined to accumulating knowledge which is directly applicable to their own lives, allowing them to make significant contributions in their professional field. However, LIEs do not like to limit themselves to learning only what is useful, as learning a new topic and picking up a new skill could easily open up new opportunities or be potentially useful to them in the future.
Central to LIEs is their motivation to bring about optimal improvements in the long-term, informing themselves and reflecting upon about the options available before making a decision. Furthermore, LIEs are very attentive to matters concerning their own individualistic vision, having an acute sense of where their lives are going and making a proactive effort to keep themselves on this path. Despite this, it is not at all uncommon for LIEs to switch between careers if they feel that their entrepreneurial spirit is being restricted.
LIEs can be friendly and lively communicators in social settings, often using using such occasions to their advantage to meet potential friends. They tend to be attracted to social pursuits which would allow them to convey their ideas, projects and products of their labor to others with a compelling enthusiasm. However, they can just as easily drop jovial platitudes and default to a strictly factual and informative line of dialogue. While usually inclined to display a normative politeness, LIEs can be more argumentative and intense towards sources of factual inaccuracy.
The idea of simply doing something for the sake of comfort is foreign to the LIE. By working tirelessly towards personal achievement, LIEs can be very neglectful of their physical environment, rarely giving thought to cultivating a tasteful or comfortable aesthetic. Similarly, LIEs do not give their physical well-being very much attention, resulting in them working to the point of exhaustion or even neglecting their health.
LIEs are frequently inhibited when it comes to matters of personal attachment, feeling unsure about the level of closeness they have towards others. Contrary to their more congenial attitude in social settings, LIEs are much more reserved in one-on-one contacts and expect others to take the initiative in communication. Also, LIEs are considerably out of touch with their own feelings and somewhat inhibited in their ethical judgements, doubting the validity of their emotional perceptions. They greatly appreciate help in firmly discerning who to trust and who to keep at a distance.
LIEs strongly desire to be independent from others, needing a sense of control over the environments they occupy. Although, an LIE who is less experienced with confrontation will consistently fail to estimate their opponent, either being easily intimidated and forced to back down or aggressively resisting until they have quickly exhausted themselves. Eventually, the LIE will learn how to apply their intellect in matters of power-play, knowing that a well thought-out plan is far more efficient and convenient for them than direct confrontation. Furthermore, LIEs can seek out positions of power and influence out of personal ambition, but usually to take the place of someone they see as grossly incompetent.
While often capable of understanding the reasoning behind logical systems, LIEs are disinclined to create systems and categories to better understand phenomena. What is most important to the LIE is that the knowledge they possess is outwardly applicable to the world in some way. As such, overly abstract concepts that have not been empirically validated will be dismissed by them. Instead, LIEs prefer to use methodologies and heuristics that to externally validate what they have learned and determine if it can be implemented in the real world.
Very often, LIEs have a wide range of interests and curiously investigate of different ideas and projects that could potentially yield practical benefit. They can also be generators of new ideas and endeavors themselves, but they tend to view the endeavor of exploring of any idea, particularly those that appear presently unfeasible, as a wasting the time they could be spending putting it in practice. To the LIE, exploring an idea is not done for its own sake, but is treated as a means to an end.
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