
ESEs are vibrant optimists devoted to spreading positivity across the social groups they inhabit. In affecting their surroundings, ESEs exercise great care to ensure that everyone is comfortable and cared for. ESEs derive great satisfaction from cheering people up, boisterously raising the mood and energizing everyone involved. The demeanor of the ESE is generally cheerful, gregarious and ebullient, though they can come off to others who are less interested in their messages as overbearing and intrusive. However, this is simply not the case, as the ESE simply cares for their loved ones so much that they cannot see them excluded from the environments of fun and excitement that they strive to promote.


ESEs direct their attention towards improving the quality of their lifestyles, so that they can use this experience to help others improve their lives as well. This usually manifests in the ESE utilizing their kinesthetic aptitude to adjust the physical aspects of the environment to please others. In many cases, ESEs will be drawn to artistic hobbies and pastimes like gardening, cooking or decorating, mainly as an outlet to channel their creative energy.


Since ESEs prioritize evoking positive responses in others, they can sometimes put an overly optimistic spin on factual information than is actually accurate.


ESEs rarely spend time thinking about the future, since the active lifestyles they tend to leave them with little time for idle reflection. They also have difficulty with prioritization and planning, failing to differentiate tasks that have long-term significance from those that do not. This results in ESEs overburdening themselves with the demands of other people, with them attempting to take care of everything all at once.


ESEs are very likely to outsource their knowledge from people they see as intelligent in a particular topic, so that they feel more secure in their understanding. ESEs are often insecure about making mistakes in the domain of abstract structure and they would approve of having the reassurance from someone who can confirm that they are not making mistakes. Furthermore, ESEs need to feel that their actions are internally consistent and don't violate the standards that they set themselves to, but they are insecure as to whether or not they fully understand them.


ESEs enjoy brainstorming in the social atmospheres they create and treat new possibilities with passionate interest and curiosity. However, ESEs can sometimes experience difficulty coming up with novel, creative ideas on their own and feel more at ease when inspired by ideas that already exist, thereby popularizing them. These types are also motivated to uninhibitedly follow wherever their curiosity takes them, broadening their horizons and learning a great deal about the world in the process.


Although very socially oriented people, ESEs pay far more attention to how people express themselves externally and may overlook how individuals actually feel on the inside. For this reason, ESE naturally ignore their own personal attitudes towards people as it is far more important to them that others are feeling positive in the moment. This can lead to a recurrent pattern of putting the needs of everyone else before their own. In such instances, ESEs often assume that they can cheer anyone up through fun and exciting activity, irrespective of how they're feeling internally.


ESEs commonly portray a gentle and caring quality, but can easily assert themselves should someone cause conflict or negatively affect others. Most of the time though, they do not seek to exert any sort of physical control over their environment and see such attempts as disrupting the harmony already present. Although very energetic and tireless individuals, ESEs are in no way inclined to use this energy forcefully and decisively at the expense someone else's failure.

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