SeTi | TiSe
Betas types generally view reality as fundamentally flawed in its state of nature, a competitive struggle between opposing groups. In accepting this perspective, Betas will diverge into two categories. They will either try to defend the current order or fight to tear down and bring in a new order. Although both groups may have similar or widely different ideologies, it is nonetheless clear that Betas care a lot about power structures and the use of said power toward favorable ends favorable to the group. Moreover, the Beta ST types are more firmly combative in discussions and debates, wanting their understanding win out against all others. This is also somewhat true for Beta NFs that have a developed Super-Id, although the actual proclivity toward challenging others varies.
NiFe | FeNi
Betas are most attentive to emotions that carry profound significance, encompassing a wide emotional range of both positive and negative inner states. They are more tolerant of dramatic and negative forms of expression precisely because the focus is not on emotional involvement in the present, but understanding the deeper meaning of what is felt to initiate catharsis. As such, it is common for Beta NF types (EIE and IEI) to use the arts and humanities as a medium of emotional expression, as well as some varieties of Beta ST types (SLE and LSI) that have a developed Super-Id. Furthermore, Betas are motivated to unify people around a world-changing sense of purpose or vision, viewing people as capable of accomplishing anything with a strong enough movement and cause.
SeFe | FeSe
Beta types share a common quality of passionate intensity towards achieving the causes they find meaningful. In the Extroverted Beta types (EIE and SLE), this intensity is projected outward onto their environment, consistently manifesting as emotional dynamism and an assertive directedness towards changing the present. This expression is modified somewhat in the Introverted Beta types (LSI and IEI), as this intensity is mostly directed inward and expressed during periods of high activity. Furthermore, Betas are drawn to environments of unrestricted free-expression, where they can authentically share how they feel and in more serious instances, move people to action.
NiTi | TiNi
Betas care a lot about preserving the precision and clarity of their worldviews. As a consequence, Beta types prefer to have a narrow range of perspectives that are consistent with their ideology. They also tend to be drawn to sources of knowledge that reveal the hidden and profound qualities about our world, even if it may seem abstruse and cryptic. The latter quality is more commonly observed in the Introverted Beta types (LSI and IEI) who are inwardly focused on mentally revising and perfecting what they believe in than the Extroverted Beta types (EIE and SLE) who are outwardly focused on impacting and influencing a variety of people.
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